Benefits of Investing in an Underdesk Treadmill

An Underdesk Treadmill is fitness equipment that offers you a great way of losing weight without leaving your desk. It also goes by the name Treadmill Desk. It includes a special treadmill and an electric desk that allows the user to stay active. A Treadmill desk is not the same as the ones we see in gyms. You cannot run on a treadmill desk. The maximum speed of most of them is 4 miles per hour(mph).

An under desk treadmill is primarily found in office settings. It is ideal for anyone who cannot work out regularly because of injuries or a busy schedule. You will burn calories without leaving your workstation. Few of them come with built-in electrical outlets, where you can charge your phones. Some others come with an adjustable mechanism. This allows the users to transition between sitting, standing and walking.

Why is an Underdesk Treadmill Popular?

The treadmill is a convenient way to lose weight and tone your body. Underdesk treadmills are more efficient than running outdoors, according to a recent study. Underdesk Treadmills offer a great way to stay fit while working and without the hassle of heading to the gym. It improves your posture and relieves back pain as well. Read on to learn more about these products.

Allows You to Exercise While Working

The advantage of an Underdesk treadmill is that it allows you to move while working. This keeps you away from a sedentary lifestyle and helps you to lose weight. An Underdesk Treadmill makes it simple for employees to schedule a time to care for their health during the workday.

Increases Focus

Walking improves cognitive functions by increasing alertness and the ability to focus on tasks. It helps you to be active throughout the day and keeps work stress low.

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Eases Anxiety

We all have anxious energy at some time or the other. Anxiety can lead to other issues such as depression. Walking on the treadmill while working will help burn off the anxious energy making it easy to sleep and de-stress.


An Underdesk Treadmill helps you to multitask. Using an Underdesk Treadmill will help you maintain exercise and work so that you can focus on both at the same time. This is unlikely with most of the other fitness equipment.

Is an Underdesk Treadmill Worth it?

Yes, an Underdesk Treadmill is worth the purchase. It gives you the 2-in-1 functionality of staying fit while working and keeping aside health problems. This equipment is an answer to nasty back pains one has after sitting for long hours working. It is compact, ergonomic, stylish, useful, and efficient equipment.

An Underdesk Treadmill displays foldable and adjustable features that make it suitable for use for people of all ages. Its cost is below $500, making it popular among working professionals. Read our blog to get a detailed comparison between treadmills and exercise bikes.

How to Choose the Best Underdesk Treadmill?


When you walk on an Underdesk Treadmill, your body weight pushes the belt backward. At a speed of 2 mph, the belt should overcome the friction between the deck and the belt. A powerful motor can help that. Go for a motor with a range between 2 HP and 5 HP for convenience and the long life of the machines.

Incline Function

The incline isn’t important if you’re going to use your under desk treadmill for walking because your goal isn’t to sweat or exercise excessively. The inclined function in an Underdesk Treadmill will slightly raise the entire treadmill off the ground. Considering this factor will help you choose the right height or go with the one that has an adjustable feature.

Belt Size

The belt size should not be an issue for smaller users; however, taller users may want to consider longer treadmills so they can stride comfortably. The belts are 55 and 60 inches in length. So if you’re tall and have long strides, you’ll need a longer belt. The width of the belt stick should be 20 inches or more.

Calorie Counter

Many models come equipped with a calorie counter. It shows data such as time, distance, and calories. We recommend you consider additional features like the calorie counter when buying an Underdesk Treadmill. It will motivate you to perform well.


Most manufacturers give you a lifetime warranty on the frame, with a one or two years warranty on the controller board and motor. Look for an Underdesk Treadmill with a 3-year motor warranty and a minimum 2-year electronics warranty.

Compact treadmills do not require large space for installation and set-up. Check our blog to buy the best compact treadmills for small spaces.

Buy the Best Underdesk Treadmill

Goplus 2 in 1 Folding UnderDesk Treadmill

The Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Under Desk Electric Treadmill is a good choice for people who want to keep themselves healthy. It’s advisable for people who have no time to go outside for running but want to keep fit. This equipment is ideal for people who are currently working from home. It has features like a 2.25 HP DC motor, folding design, built-in Bluetooth speaker, smartphone control, foldable design, space-saving, and more. You can also use it for walking your pets, playing your favorite music, or as a home office treadmill.

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ANCHEER 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

The compact and portable ANCHEER 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill is the perfect home treadmill solution. It folds under your desk and is ideal for a workout at work, home, or traveling. The Underdesk Treadmill is easy to use and offers advanced features such as a phone holder and LCD display to track your speed, distance, and calories burned. This machine can give you a maximum speed of 7.5 MPH.

UREVO 2 in 1 Underdesk Treadmill

The UREVO 2 in 1 Underdesk Treadmill is a good option for cardio exercises. You can use it while sitting on the desktop. It helps you to burn calories, improve endurance, and control your blood pressure. The UREVO 2 in 1 comes with efficient remote control and a 2.5HP motor. It is foldable so that you can store it under your desk. Reviews show that this model will help you achieve your fitness goals and track your progress.

UREVO Foldable Treadmill

UREVO Foldable Treadmill is for those who want to exercise at home but do not have enough space. You can place it under your desk or table, and it will not take up much room. This model has got positive reviews for its foldable feature. It is convenient to carry, as you can fold it and carry it in the trunk of your car. It also comes with 12 pre-set training programs to improve your fitness.


The CITYSPORTS Treadmill is an under desk treadmill for walking and jogging. It is perfect for people who want to be active while working or studying. This model has a slim design, is quiet, easy to move, store, and set up. It has a multi-speed feature with speeds ranging from 1 – 6 km / h. You can set your preferred speed using the remote control. It also equips Bluetooth-integrated speakers for more intense workouts.


An Underdesk Treadmill desk is a great way to get some daily exercise while you work. You should conduct some research before deciding to invest in office workout equipment like stationary bikes. When brainstorming, make sure to include the mentioned factors.

You should choose something practical and convenient, and turn your office time into a healthy activity. Check our blog to find the best small treadmill for exercise.

You can also read through the blog staying fit from home for some quick tips on the best workout regime while working from home.

MediaSearch ranks and reviews hundreds of exercise bikes based on overall performance, controls, and functionality.